A suspension concentrate herbicide for use against annual winter grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in canola, grapes and orchards (as indicated) in the winter rainfall region.
An emulsifiable concentrate contact acaricide with a long residual activity for the control of certain mites in bananas, citrus, cotton, mangoes and grapes.
A systemic herbicide formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate for the post-emergence control of certain grasses in canola, soybeans, pome fruit, stone fruit, seedbeds, grapes, citrus, groundnuts […]
A systemic, selective and post-emergent herbicide formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate for the control of annual and perennial grasses in broadleaf crops as indicated.
A systemic soil applied emulsifiable concentrate insecticide for the control of nematodes on potatoes, citrus, pineapples, grapes, peaches, nectarines, groundnuts, onions and tobacco and a leaf […]
A systemic insecticide with stomach and contact action formulated as a suspension concentrate for the control of various pests on the crops as listed on the […]
A systemic suspension concentrate insecticide for the control of aphids, red scale, thrips, leafminers and psylla on citrus trees; aphids on potatoes, cucurbits, cruiciferae and roses; […]