October 15, 2018Published by at October 15, 2018Categories FLUMEA concentrated foliar and root-applied powdered organic seaweed extract with chelated micronutrients for use on various crops.
September 18, 2018Published by at September 18, 2018Categories MONO POTASSIUM PHOSPHATEA water suluble plant nutrient
September 18, 2018Published by at September 18, 2018Categories MOLYBDENUM FASTA water soluble plant nutrient
September 18, 2018Published by at September 18, 2018Categories SODIUM MOLYBDATE 395A water soluble plant nutrient
September 18, 2018Published by at September 18, 2018Categories HUMIC TOTALA soluble potassium humate powder for use on various crops and to improve the soil structure
September 18, 2018Published by at September 18, 2018Categories LEILI FULVICAA soluble liquid containing free Fulvic acid and calcium for use on various crops to improve plant vitatlity and alleviate the symptoms of calcium deficiencies.
September 18, 2018Published by at September 18, 2018Categories LEILI 2000A foliar and root-applied organic seaweed extract with chelated micronutrients for use on various crops.